My Story

anette wachter sawtooth skulls artist idaho














Hello there. I'm Anette Wachter, the artist responsible for these skulls. What started as an accident has turned in to a fun and creative business. 

I found an elk skull with antlers at a local antique store. It was on my jewelry table (I also own RudyBlu Jewelry) temporarily as I was working with my dried pressed flowers for another project. Some flowers were placed on the skull and it looked amazing! The art grew from there. I was hooked.

I source custom colors and varieties of flowers and leaves. 

The hard part was searching for local ranches that could provide me with beautiful quality buffalo and longhorn steer skulls. I found a bison ranch in Idaho and the longhorns come from a variety of ranches in the US. 

Quality matters in skulls. Size, shape, length and colors of horns make a difference. I hand pick each one. I want you, my client to see the work and quality in each art piece!

I hope you enjoy these as much as I love making them. 

New designs are displayed on my Instagram account first and they go fast! Please follow @sawtoothskulls

All my best to you,


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